Heroes aren't made, they're molded
Do you have what it takes to stand out from the herd?

Shape adventure on your terms
Tall, short, tails, teeth or scales; Anyone can be a hero - whether adorable, ferocious, or both!
A classic overachiever, Trix has been underestimated so much that she’s now got something to prove. Loyal, nerdy, and a little socially awkward (but, like, in an endearing way), she’s extremely competitive but the ultimate rule follower.
- Specie
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- Special ability
- Bump
A born explorer, she loves discovering the undiscovered. She can sometimes be a little scattered in a too-much-sugar kinda way.
- Specie
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- Special ability
- Sugar Rush
Excitable, optimistic and hardworking - Odo has a habit of really diving into tasks and getting lost in them.
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- Special ability
Friendly and a walking directory, Buzz is the go-to connector - need to find something or someone? There’s a good chance Buzz knows them.
- Specie
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- Class
- Special ability
- Community Shield
A very happy go lucky raptor, and a “free spirit”, he’s often encouraging others to ‘go with the flow’.
- Specie
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- Class
- Special ability
- Lucky
Sly, sneaky and coy. You’ll never see him coming.
- Specie
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- Class
- Special ability
- Vanish
A little nerve-wracked and on edge, Kaylor is usually the first to spot danger.
- Specie
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- Class
- Special ability
- Rear Wing
Cool, calm and collected; rarely speaks, but when he does, you listen.
- Specie
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- Special ability
Bex sucks at first impressions. A little too direct, monotone, and sarcastic, she comes off a little standoffish..but once she likes you, you’ve got a friend for life who will always stand up for you. She also sometimes scares people due to her dark humor and taste - she’ll be the one to cheer at explosions, or push others aside to poke a dead thing with a stick.
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- Special ability
A big (and big-hearted) goof, Milo is hardworking, friendly, and a cheerleader for his best friends (especially Flea). Others often overlook Milo because of his good nature and sense of childlike wonder, but he usually comes through in ways that others rarely expect. He sometimes seems easy to take advantage of, and as a result his friends are fiercely protective of him.
- Specie
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- Special ability
Older and over it, often grumpy. He doesn’t hate you, he’s like that with everyone.
- Specie
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- Special ability
Sarcastic and headstrong, Scribz is always observing - and silently judging.
- Specie
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- Special ability
We don’t talk about Wilbur.
- Specie
- Squad
- Class
- Special ability
- Photobomb
Flea is kind, optimistic, good natured and intelligent, though sometimes naive and quick to react. His nature sometimes surprises others when they meet Flea for the first time, considering he’s a T-Rex. Others look to him for advice, making him the reluctant hero of the group.
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- Special ability
Super positive, chill and unfazed. Not much bothers him - except his very specific pet peeves (ask at your own risk).
- Specie
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- Special ability
Always worried, especially since he gets a dactyl-eye view of everything.
- Specie
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- Special ability
The Ancients
Legendary beings who haven’t been seen in eons. Unmatched in their power, very little is known about them with some saying they went into hiding, and some saying they never existed at all…